Painless Class IV Laser Therapy Treatment for Pets Near Troy, NY
Laser Therapy
Laser Therapy uses specific wavelengths of light to treat conditions that are painful and debilitating for cats or dogs. The light stimulates intercellular activity within damaged cells to reduce pain and speed recovery of the cell. As the cells recover, healing occurs. Laser therapy is painless and can treat acute and chronic ailments, with no known negative side effects.
Class IV Laser Therapy is designed to produce an efficient and simultaneous effect on pain and inflammation within a short period. Benefits include:
- Chronic pain relief, including arthritis
- Acute pain relief, including trauma or injuries
- Anti-inflammation
- Damaged tissue healing
- Improved local blood circulation
- Faster post-surgical recovery
- Restoring mobility
Frequently Asked Questions
Laser therapy is a surgery-free, drug-free, noninvasive treatment to reduce pain and inflammation as well as promote healing. It can be used alone or in conjunction with another therapeutic modality, such as acupuncture or chiropractic. It has been scientifically proven to be successful in treating post-surgical pain and many acute and chronic conditions.
Class IV deep tissue laser therapy uses a beam of laser light to deeply penetrate tissue without damaging it. Laser energy induces a biological response in the cells called “photobiomodulation,” which leads to decreased pain, reduced inflammation, and increased healing speed. The laser light is delivered through a noninvasive handpiece to treat the affected area. The animal may feel a gentle soothing warmth as the amount of laser light is substantial enough to help heal.
Treatment protocols are unique to each patient and condition. Therefore, treatments will vary in time, and complexity.
Acute Conditions:
- Wound healing
- Acute pain
- Allergies
- Infections
- Cuts/bites
- Inflammation, such as sinusitis/rhinitis/gingivitis/stomatitis
- Sprains/strains/fractures, such as tendon/ligament tears
- Cystitis
- Hot spots and other dermatological disorders
- Acute and chronic otitis
- Anal glands
- Post-surgical healing and pain
Chronic Conditions:
- Arthritis
- Chronic pain
- Geriatric care
- Degenerative joint disease
- Degenerative disc disease
- Hip dysplasia
- Lick granulomas
- Inflammatory bowel disease
- Periodontal disease
- Tendonitis
- Feline acne
- Bursitis
- And more
Get in Touch
Animal Wellness Veterinary Services uses safe and effective holistic treatments that will help your beloved pet recover from their ailments. Reach out to me to learn more about what I do.